Our Clients
At Yorkville, we treat our clients as partners in the investment management process. Yorkville’s service model is based on the establishment of trust and a mutual understanding of our clients’ investment needs, and our commitment to continuously strive to achieve those needs.
Whether you are a high net worth individual, professional, foundation, institution, family office, or advisor, Yorkville will provide you with a unique investment service offering to meet your individual needs.
High Net Worth Individuals & Families
Yorkville offers a full suite of wealth management services for clients with account values in excess of $1 million. These services include discretionary portfolio management, insurance, and estate and trust planning.
Yorkville regularly evaluates complex global economic and geopolitical developments; reviews and invests in multiple stocks, bonds, and pre-IPO investment opportunities; and uses optimal tax planning strategies in an effort to achieve your unique financial objectives.

For over 8 years, Yorkville has been providing investment and client services to foundations, endowments, and not-for-profits. Although the company has grown and evolved, the fundamentals of Yorkville remain the same.
Our team of investment professionals collectively have over 25 years of experience with foundations, and continue to provide investment services with the ability to further customize and improve their level of client service. This starts with a direct relationship with those who make the investment decisions on your behalf, followed by customized reporting and ongoing communication, transparent investment strategies, advisory services, and educational seminars for boards and committees – we are constantly working for our clients. Yorkville also assists its clients in designing and reviewing adequate and sustainable investment
policy statements. Additionally, Yorkville demonstrates leadership in the area of portfolio management by creating a Foundation Advisory Board. This is an independent group of experienced board participants that are eager to share their experiences in properly guiding charitable foundations. Doing the right thing is a guiding principal at Yorkville, and a growing audience of foundations have placed their trust with us.

Our fundamental principle at Yorkville is to continuously provide quality investment and client services to institutions.
With the launch of Yorkville in 2010, our dedicated team of industry professionals gained the opportunity to provide their investment services with the ability to further customize and improve Yorkville’s level of client service. This starts with a direct relationship with those who make the investment decisions on your behalf, followed by customized reporting and ongoing communication, transparent investment strategies, advisory services, which includes advising committee and board members on investment and risk management strategies. Yorkville also assists its clients in designing and reviewing adequate and sustainable investment policy statements.
Yorkville offers a unique level of service to our institutional clients. Customized investment strategies and reporting methods, multiple currency accounts, daily cash flow management, as well as 24/7 online access to accounts are key components of our service offerings to institutional clients. Investment strategies offered include duration matched, immunized, and laddered bond portfolios, as well as various domestic and international equity hedging and non-hedging strategies.

Business Owners and Professionals
Yorkville and its clients share many similarities. Like many of our clients, we offer a unique approach to the way in which we conduct business. We opened our doors in 2010, and as a private company, we have seen firsthand the time, effort, and dedication that it takes to grow a business.
We understand that as business owners, you may be experiencing significant pressure and concerns with operating your business, managing your investments, while mitigating your risk. Yorkville may be able to help alleviate some of this pressure through our offerings, which include portfolio management for your investments, estate planning to deal with your wealth and the contingency of your business, as well as managing your insurance requirements.

A select number of Yorkville products are available through third party advisors, specifically mutual fund dealers and exempt market dealers. For more information, please visit the following pages:

Professional Athletes
Our Professional Athletes Group is focused on the needs of active athletes, those in career transition, and retirees. The Group’s objective is to help professional athletes and their agents deal with increasingly complex financial affairs associated with today’s growing player contracts.
Moreover, Yorkville is well equipped to navigate the complex multi-national jurisdictional rules that affect planning for players with international careers and residency situations. Career transition goals are also of special importance to Yorkville, and are integrated into each player’s financial plan. In helping an athlete focus on their playing career, Yorkville offers concierge services to cope with the complexity of maintaining residences in multiple cities as well as boutique travel services. Retiring professional athletes will also benefit as Yorkville can help streamline financial affairs and bring both portfolio efficiency and long-term capital protection. Recognizing that most professional athletes’ management teams have evolved to include agents, accountants, and legal professionals, Yorkville has tailored its offering to meet these clients’ requirements in their entirety.

First Nations
Yorkville’s expertise in serving First Nations groups focuses on advisory services for capital, and revenue management of your investments.
In working towards achieving your investment objectives, Yorkville applies a comprehensive approach, including, but not limited to, economic and feasibility studies on diverse investment plans, as well as managing or creating trusts as needed. This approach is geared towards preserving capital and stimulating investment growth. At Yorkville, we believe that this combination of service and skill has the ability to create a true advantage that would help you preserve your capital and stimulate investment growth, so that you may use your investments to meet your community’s unique needs and goals.

Family Offices
Yorkville understands the duty and responsibility of working with family offices in order to help grow wealth across multiple generations, while putting the interests of the family first. In addition, our concierge service, Opus Elite, is designed to help clients better manage their lifestyles. We work closely with family offices and their networks to provide a holistic assessment, custom tailoring and management of discretionary portfolios, all while taking into account the unique needs of each client.