Our Services
At Yorkville Asset Management Inc. (Yorkville), we treat our clients as partners in the investment management process. Yorkville Asset Management’s service model is based on the establishment of trust and mutual understanding of our clients’ investment needs and how Yorkville can bring unique value to meeting those needs.
Our relationships with our clients are built on proactive engagement. Very early in the process, we strive to intimately understand the current risk profile of our client’s financial assets, as well as their tolerance for risk. Risk is the fundamental consideration for any effective investment strategy.
Once the agreed upon risk limit has been established, we apply our best-in-class expertise to evaluate the universe of potential investment solutions and develop an investment strategy tailored to the client’s needs within their desired risk profile. This is how the relationship begins.
As a Yorkville client, you can also expect to receive not only regular updates on activities in your portfolio but also insightful communications regarding the state of the markets. Most importantly, you will receive frequent updates on how your portfolio will be adjusted and how it will evolve to continue to meet your objectives.
Discretionary Portfolio Management
Yorkville offers discretionary portfolio management services to all of our clients, where we create and maintain a personalized investment portfolio on your behalf. In this process, our experienced team of professionals will evaluate your investment objectives and goals, along with your risk tolerance, to specifically tailor your portfolio.

Estate & Trust Planning
The generational transfers of wealth and final contributions to society through charitable bequests are essential considerations in an individual’s life. Without proper estate planning, a significant portion of your assets could be unnecessarily lost to taxation, estate administration fees, and probate fees, reducing your ability to leave a lasting legacy for loved ones and worthy organizations.

While the most common use of life insurance is to protect a person's dependents, Yorkville believes insurance is useful for much more than just a safety net for basic life protection. Through third party partners, Yorkville shares an expertise in tax-sheltered investing and advanced strategies utilizing insurance.
In our comprehensive and integrated financial planning process, we can help you understand each insurance alternative and its potential benefits. Extending our own philosophy of “Managing risk, nurturing wealth”, insurance can form an active part of a personalized plan to manage risk at every stage of your personal and professional life. Insurance solutions can aid in estate planning, safeguard your family’s financial security, and potentially provide tax free payments to replace earnings, pay debts and daily living expenses.

Opus Elite
Yorkville introduces Opus Elite, an enhanced series of services for individuals who demand the best in lifestyle management. Complementing Yorkville's approach to wealth management, Opus Elite provides an à la carte series of services that help make the most efficient use of a client's most valuable resource - time.

Pre-IPO Equities
Pre-IPO investments are a compelling and attractive niche, appealing to knowledgeable investors. However, it remains challenging for investors to take ownership in quality non-publicly traded companies.
These opportunities are typically available only to a limited number of select individuals known to the ownership of management of the pre-IPO company.
Yorkville has built a bridge to span the gap between retail investors and the select few who typically have access to pre-IPO investment opportunities. Together with our partners, Yorkville works directly with target pre-IPO companies to facilitate company-approved transactions.

Advisory Services
The fundamental principle at Yorkville is to provide high quality investment and client services to not-for-profits, institutions, and family offices. Our experience with clients like you, and our specialization in risk management provides a unique perspective.
As your partner, our job is to support your organization, as well as tailor our service model to meet your unique needs. Our advisory services include the design and ongoing review of your investment policy statement; providing educational seminars to your board, committees or family members; review of your other investment managers and your overall asset mix; in addition to providing advice on ad-hoc transactions.

Mutual Fund Dealers
Yorkville provides the following initiatives to third party dealers that offer our mutual funds on their platform:
- Advisor Support: We review client’s statements, existing strategies, and investment vehicles used. We provide account structure and asset mix advisory services to help your client achieve their investment goals.
- Advisor Training: We hold educational sessions to provide you with valuable information on our funds and strategies, as well as to provide outlooks on markets and investment environments.
- Advisor / Client Presentations: Similar to advisor training, we provide client and advisor market and strategy updates. We discuss fiscal and monetary conditions and present any current opportunities or challenges affecting investors.
- Portfolio Updates: Yorkville portfolio managers are available to provide information about changes in Yorkville portfolios and to discuss any investment opportunities.
- Advisor Site - http://yorkvilleasset.com/index.php/en/advisor-login: Our advisor site provides online access to forms, procedures, and other tools. Please contact 647.776.7480 or info@yorkvilleasset.comfor your username and password.

Exempt Market Dealers
- Back Office Support: We provide client statements, marketing material, as well as support for any required investment documentation.
- Advisor Training: We hold educational sessions to provide you with valuable information on our products, as well as to provide outlooks on markets and investment environments.
- Advisor / Client Presentations: Similar to advisor training, we provide client and advisor market and strategy updates. We discuss fiscal and monetary conditions and present any current opportunities or challenges affecting investors.